Cheese Shell Shrimp Tacos

Who doesn’t love themselves a good Taco Tuesday? I know, I know, it’s Wednesday, but I had to share this taco recipe I made last Tuesday!!! It was so amazing and delicious!!! I love that it is yet… a another… healthy recipe!!! Things get pretty wild in Coach Clarissa’s kitchen!!!

The first part of this recipe is making the taco shells out of delicious cheesy goodness. That is the only ingredient in these babies… CHEESE!!! After you make flat circles, and bake them in the oven, it might seem like you are doing a science experiment. I used tall drinking glasses and fork to get that nice fold in the taco shells. I have heard the suggestion of 2 chop sticks, straws, or anything you can drape the cheese over to let it cool and harden. Most creative way to do it gets 10 points!!! ha ha

The best part about these babies besides the crunchy, cheesy outside, is the amazing inside. It will be messy, and you might need a fork to it the insides left over, but ff you love shrimp, love crunchy taco shells, and love eating healthy… YOU WILL WANT TO MAKE THIS ONE!!! Give it a try, and let me know how it turns out!!!


This recipe is for 1 serving
If you are doing my program, each serving provides 1 leaner, 3 greens, 1 healthy fat, and 3 condiments

 Cheese shells:

2 shells per serving = 1/2 lean (each shell is 1/4 cup cheese)
1/2 cup low fat mixed cheese ( per serving) *I used fiesta blend cheese from Walmart


Preheat oven to 350. Spray non stick spray on parchment paper that is on a baking sheet.

Make 2 taco circles and bake for approximately 10 minutes. Needs to start browning around the edges but not over cooked. Carefully remove shells from the cookie sheet without burning your fingers and hang each shell over a fork balanced between 2 drinking glasses. Let it cool and firm a taco shell.


The Filling

1 cup shredded lettuce- 1 green

1 cup chopped tomatoes -2 greens

3 1/2 oz. cooked shrimp- 1/2 leanest

2 Tablespoons guacamole- 1 healthy fat

2 Tablespoons Bolthouse avocado cilantro dressing – 2 condiments

Just a bit of fresh chopped cilantro


Stuff the taco shells and enjoy! Don’t forget that fork for all the overflowing goodness that falls out! Enjoy!!!


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