About Clarissa

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Hi my name is Clarissa Osborn! For a long time I struggled with finding a plan that could help me work on my habits and create a healthy life. I was really struggling and knew that something needed to change! I found a program that has drastically changed my life and helped me in being more mindful about having a healthy mind and healthy body. It has been incredible to see myself change from the inside out! For that reason, I have made the decision to become a health and wellness coach! I am super excited about this opportunity to not only share my passion for being healthy, but share with others what has changed my life. If you would like to learn more about how this can help YOU, click on the “Contact Clarissa” button. We'll hop on the phone, chat about your health goals, and create a blueprint of what you’ll need to do to accomplish those goals, and create healthy habits that will stick for the rest of your life!