Taco Salad with Quest Chips

My husband and I made the ultimate discovery! Have you ever heard of quest chips? They are these delicious chips that make you feel like you are cheating on your favorite flavor of chips. The best part about them though… they are healthy for you!!! Say what?! Yes, they are packed pull of protein, made with awesome ingredients, and you are never left feeling heavy and yucky after eating a whole bag!

one of my favorite things to eat when it come to tacos, is taco salad. It is so filling and so delicious with out all of the empty carbs that come with white flour tortillas. This salad combines meat, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and Quest protein chips for the ultimate taco salad. Try it for yourself, and I can promise you’ll love it!!!

Taco Salad with Quest Chips


4 ounces 95 to 97% uncooked lean ground beef ~ 3 ounces cooked (1/2 Leaner)

1/2 tsp taco seasoning (1 Condiment)

1/2 cup or 90 g tomatoes, chopped (1 Green)

2 cups or 94 g romaine lettuce, shredded (2 Greens)

1 bag Quest Protein Chips (1/2 Leaner)

2 tbsp Bolthouse Cilantro Avocado Dressing (2 Condiments)

1.5 ounces avocado, sliced or 2 tbsp sour cream (1 Healthy Fat)


Place ground beef in a medium sized skillet and cook until brown. Drain meat and return to skillet. Stir in taco seasoning and heat for about 2 more minutes. Set aside and let cool.

Add lettuce and tomatoes to a bowl. Toss in ground beef.Top salad with Quest protein chips and drizzle dressing. Finish off with sliced avocado or sour cream.

Makes 1 Serving

Each serving provides
1 Leaner, 3 Greens, 3 Condiments, and 1 Healthy Fat

* If you decide to use a different salad dressing as your Healthy Fat instead of Condiments, do not use sliced avocado. You can use 1 tbsp of sour cream as 1 Condiment or 2 tbsp plain non-fat or low fat Greek yogurt as 1 Condiment or 2 tbsp salsa as 2 Condiments.


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